clmu module
- class clmu.cesm_run(CASESCRIPT_local, CASEROOT_local, DOUT_S_ROOT, caseconfig: str | dict | DataFrame | Series)
- This class is used to create CESM2/CTSM case. Run the CESM2/CTSM case should be done by running the generated shell script
using terminal or python subprocess or container (docker or singularity with CESM2/CTSM installed)
- Parameters:
CASESCRIPT_local (str) – The path of the case script in the local machine.
CASEROOT_local (str) – The path of the case root in the local machine.
DOUT_S_ROOT (str) – The path of the output root in the local machine.
caseconfig (Union[str, dict, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) – The configuration of the case to be built.
The path of the case script.
- Type:
The path of the case root.
- Type:
The path of the output root.
- Type:
- case_lat
The latitude of the case.
- Type:
- case_lon
The longitude of the case.
- Type:
- case_name
The name of the case.
- Type:
- json_file_path
The path of the JSON file.
- Type:
- config
The configuration data.
- Type:
(scriptpath)Create the case scripts for single point modeling.
(scriptpaht)Modify the case config file.
(var, action, forcing_location)Modify the forcing file.
(var, action[, numurbl])Modify the surface data file.
([ds])View the netcdf file.
Read the JSON config file.
(forcing_location, ...)Recover the forcing file.
([password])Reset the case.
- create_case(scriptpath) str
Create the case scripts for single point modeling.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – File path of the config file.
- Returns:
The modified script file.
- Return type:
script (str)
- modify_case_config(scriptpaht) str
Modify the case config file.
- Parameters:
scriptpath (str) – The path of the script file.
- Returns:
The modified script file.
- Return type:
script (str)
- modify_forcing(var, action, forcing_location) None
Modify the forcing file.
- Parameters:
var (str) – The variable to be modified.
action (float, np.ndarray, dict) – The action to be taken.
forcing_location (str) – The location of the forcing file. - if action is a dict, the key is the variable name, the value is the action. - if action is a float, the action will be added to the variable. - if action is a np.ndarray, the variable will be replaced by the action.
- Returns:
- modify_surf(var, action, numurbl=None) str
Modify the surface data file.
- Parameters:
var (str) – The variable to be modified.
action (float, np.ndarray, dict) – The action to be taken. - if action is a dict, the key is the variable name, the value is the action. - if action is a float, the action will be added to the variable. - if action is a np.ndarray, the variable will be replaced by the action.
numurbl (int, optional) – The number of urban land units. Defaults to None. None means the action will be implemented to all the urban land units. numurbl 0 –> TBD urban, numurbl 1 –> HD urban, numurbl 2 –> MD urban
- Returns:
The modified surface data file path.
- Return type:
- nc_view(ds: str = 'None') Dataset
View the netcdf file.
- Parameters:
xarray.Dataset – The xarray dataset.
ds (str, optional) – The path of the netcdf file. Defaults to “None”.
- Returns:
The xarray dataset.
- Return type:
- read_json_config() dict
Read the JSON config file.
- Returns:
The configuration data.
- Return type:
config (dict)
- recover_forcing(forcing_location, backup_location) None
Recover the forcing file.
- Parameters:
forcing_location (str) – The location of the forcing file.
backup_location (str) – The location of the backup file.
- Returns:
- reset_case(password=None) CompletedProcess
Reset the case. (delete the case folders and files)
- Parameters:
password (str, optional) – The password of the server. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The result of the command.
- Return type:
- clmu.copy_file_if_not_exists(source_path, destination_path)
- clmu.copy_file_if_not_exists2(source_path, destination_path, lon, lat, res='1.25*0.9') None
Copy the file if the destination file does not exist.
- Parameters:
source_path (str) – The source file path.
destination_path (str) – The destination file path.
lon (str) – The longitude of the point.
lat (str) – The latitude of the point.
res (str) – The resolution of the file. Defaults to “1.25*0.9”.
- clmu.get_forcing(start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month, lat, lon, zbot, source='cds')
get the forcing data from the era5 dataset
- Parameters:
start_year (_type_) – the start year
end_year (_type_) – the end year
start_month (_type_) – the start month
end_month (_type_) – the end month
lat (_type_) – latitude of interest point
lon (_type_) – longitude of interest point
zbot (_type_) – the bottom level height
source (_type_) – the source of the data, cds or arco-era5
- Returns:
the forcing dataset
- Return type:
- clmu.get_soil_params(ds: Dataset | DataArray | str, lat: float = 51.508965, lon: float = -0.118092) tuple
Get the soil parameters.
- Parameters:
ds (_type_) – the soil dataset
lat (_type_) – latitude of interest point
lon (_type_) – longitude of interest point
- Returns:
sand and clay content from the soil dataset
- Return type:
- clmu.get_urban_params(urban_ds: Dataset | str, soil_ds: Dataset | str, lat: float, lon: float, template: Dataset | str = '/home/runner/work/pyclmuapp/pyclmuapp/pyclmuapp/usp/', PTC_URBAN: list = [0, 0, 100], outputname: str = '') Dataset
Get the urban parameters.
- Parameters:
urban_ds (_type_) – the urban dataset
soil_ds (_type_) – the soil dataset
template (_type_) – the template dataset
lat (_type_) – latitude of interest point
lon (_type_) – longitude of interest point
PTC_URBAN (list, optional) – The percentage of urban. Defaults to [0,0,100]. 0. TBD urban, 1. HD urban, 2. MD urban
outputname (_type_, optional) – the output file name. Defaults to “”.
- Returns:
the modified template dataset
- Return type:
- clmu.getconfig(caseconfig: str | dict | DataFrame | Series = 'None') dict
Read the configuration of the case to be built.
- Parameters:
caseconfig (Union[str, dict, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) – The configuration of the case to be built.
- Returns:
The configuration data.
- Return type:
- clmu.now_time()
Get the current time
- clmu.run_command(command, password='None', logname='None', iflog=True) None
Run the command. There are two ways to run the command, with or without password. The loges will be saved in the log_ppo.txt file.
- Parameters:
command (str) – The command to be run.
password (str, optional) – The password of the server.
logname (str, optional) – The name of the log file. Defaults to “cmdlog.txt”.
iflog (bool, optional) – If log is needed. Defaults to True.
- Returns: