Basic usage: Command line
The direct usage of pyclmuapp (Python) is using the provided command line tool. Here is the example.
1 check the version
> pip install pyclmuapp # before using the command line tool
> pyclmuapp -v #or python -m pyclmuapp -v
# pyclmuapp 0.0.0. Author: Junjie Yu. Email:
2 example for running your case
First, if you not have the CLMU-App container. Download the Docker (or Singularity), then use the following command to run the CLMU-App.
$ pyclmuapp --has_container False --container_type docker --init True # or singularity
Run the case with the user forcing file and start date. The output file will be saved in the output folder.
$ pyclmuapp --usr_forcing "inputfolder/usp/" \
$ --CASE_NAME "basic_test" \
$ --RUN_STARTDATE "2012-01-01" \
$ --STOP_OPTION "ndays" \
$ --STOP_N "15"
Namespace(pwd='/Users/user/Documents/GitHub/pyclmuapp', container_type='docker', input_path=None, output_path=None, log_path=None, scripts_path=None, pyclmuapp_mode='usp', has_container=True, usr_domain=None, usr_forcing='inputfolder/usp/', usr_surfdata=None, output_prefix='', case_name='basic_test', run_startdate='2012-01-01', stop_option='ndays', stop_n='15', run_type='coldstart', run_refcase='None', run_refdate='None', iflog=True, logfile='pyclmuapp.log', var_add='Qle', claen=False, script=None)
Folder 'inputfolder' already exists.
Folder 'outputfolder' already exists.
Folder 'logfolder' already exists.
Folder 'scriptsfolder' already exists.
Folder '/Users/user/Documents/GitHub/pyclmuapp/inputfolder/usp' already exists.
The file already exists.
The /Users/user/Documents/GitHub/pyclmuapp/inputfolder/usp/ already exists.
The case is: basic_test
The log file is: pyclmuapp.log
The output file is: ['/Users/user/Documents/GitHub/pyclmuapp/outputfolder/lnd/hist/']
If you are using Docker, stop and remove the running container by
$ pyclmuapp --has_container True --container_type docker --init False # or singularity
Create your own surface data file.
$ pyclmuapp --pyclmuapp_mode get_surfdata \
$ --lat 51.5074 --lon 0.1278 \
$ --outputname "" \
$ --pct_urban 0,0,100.0 \
$ --urbsurf "inputfolder/" \
$ --soildata "inputfolder/"
Create your own forcing data file.
$ pyclmuapp --pyclmuapp_mode get_forcing \
$ --lat 51.5 --lon 0.12 --zbot 30 \
$ --start_year 2012 --end_year 2012 \
$ --start_month 1 --end_month 2
# will download and save in the default folder `./era5_forcing/`
# the output file will be `./era5_forcing/`
#will download and save in the default folder `./era5_forcing/`
3 help
> pyclmuapp -h #or python -m pyclmuapp -h
4 pyclmuapp Input Parameters
usr_forcing/USR_FORCING: User forcing file, default is None. If have the domain file, input the file path.
run_startdate/RUN_STARTDATE: Start date, default is None
Ususally required:
strat_tod/START_TOD: The start time of the day. The default is “00000”.
stop_option/STOP_OPTION: Stop option, default is ndays, can be nyears, nmonths, ndays
stop_n/STOP_N: Stop number, default is 1. Case length is STOP_OPTION * STOP_N
pyclmuapp_mode/PYCLMUAPP_MODE: pyclmuapp mode, default is usp, can be script, pts, get_forcing, get_surfdata.
init/INIT: If true, only pull(/run) the container. Default is False.
pwd/PWD: Current working directory, default is pwd, can be none. If is not none, the the input_path, output_path, log_path, scripts_path will be used in pwd or be created. If none, the input_path, output_path, log_path, scripts_path should be provided.
container_type/CONTAINER_TYPE: Container type, default is “docker”, can be “singularity”.
input_path/INPUT_PATH: CTSM input path, default is None. The path will be binded to “inputdata” in container
output_path/OUTPUT_PATH: CTSM output path, default is None. The path will be binded to “Archive” in container.
log_path/LOG_PATH: CTSM log path, default is None. The path will be binded to “CaseOutputs” in container.
scripts_path/SCRIPTS_PATH: CTSM scripts path, default is None. The path will be binded to “/p/scripts” in container.
has_container/HAS_CONTAINER: Has container, default is True
iflog/IFLOG: If log, default is True
logfile/LOGFILE: Log file, default is pyclmuapp.log
usr_domain/USR_DOMAIN: User domain file, default is None. If have the domain file, input the file path.
usr_surfdata/USR_SURFDATA: User surface data file, default is
. If have the surface data file, input the file path.output_prefix/output_prefix: Output file name prefix, default is, is used to generate the output file of pyclmuapp
case_name/CASE_NAME: Case name, default is usp_case
hist_type/HIST_TYPE: Param for usp. ouput type. Can be GRID, LAND, COLS, default is GRID
hist_nhtfrq/HIST_NHTFRQ: Param for usp. History file frequency, default is 1 (ouput each time step)
hist_mfilt/HIST_MFILT: Param for usp. each history file will include mfilt time steps, default is 1000000000
claen/CLAEN: Clean, default is False. True, will clean the case files.
surf_action/SURF_ACTION: Param for usp. Surface action, default is None. The number is same as surf_var with “,” seperated (not “, “).
forcing_var/FORCING_VAR: Param for usp. Forcing variable, default is None. Can be one/some (use ‘,’(withou space to seperate each)) of ‘Prectmms’,’Wind’,’LWdown’,’PSurf’,’Qair’,’Tair’,’S Wdown’.
forcing_action/FORCING_ACTION: Param for usp. Forcing action, default is None. The number is same as forcing_var with “,” seperated (not “, “).
urban_hac/URBAN_HAC: The flag to turn on the urban HAC. The default is “ON_WASTEHEAT”. valid_values=”OFF,ON,ON_WASTEHEAT”.
For PYCLMUAPP_MODE = usp and RUN_TYPE = branch:
run_type/RUN_TYPE: Run type, default is coldstart, can be branch
run_refcase/RUN_REFCASE: Reference case, default is None
run_refdate/RUN_REFDATE: Reference date, default is None
run_reftod/RUN_REFTOD: Reference time of the day, default is 00000. Need to be provided when the RUN_TYPE is “branch”.
For PYCLMUAPP_MODE = script:
script/SCRIPT: Script file in container, default is None
For PYCLMUAPP_MODE = get_surfdata and get_forcing
urbsurf/URBSURF: Param for get_surfdata. Urban surface data file, default is None. Here to download the urban surface data file:
soildata/SOILDATA: Param for get_surfdata. Soil data file, default is None. Here to download the soil data file:
pct_urban/PCT_URBAN: Param for get_surfdata. Percentage of urban land use in each density class, sum should be 100, default is [0,0,100.0].
lat/LAT: Param for get_surfdata and get_forcing. Latitude of the urban area, default is None
lon/LON: Param for get_surfdata and get_forcing. Longitude of the urban area, default is None
outputname/OUTPUTNAME: Param for get_surfdata. Output file name, default is
zbot/ZBOT: Param for get_forcing. Zbot, default is 30 m.
start_year/START_YEAR: Param for get_forcing. Start year, default is 2012.
end_year/END_YEAR: Param for get_forcing. End year, default is 2012.
start_month/START_MONT: Param for get_forcing. Start month, default is 1.
end_month/END_MONTH: Param for get_forcing. End month, default is 12.